
P607 is a special grade Bakelite insulating material which has good electrical as well as mechanical properties.

P607 Bakelite Insulating Material is used for all types of Control Panels, GIS / RMU. It is also compatible in SF6 & newly invented Air plus. This material was developed by Om Insutech 12 years ago and is a proven material in RMU & GIS without any complaints in India and Overseas. We have also done “Damp Heat Test” and have successfully cleared the Test.

P607 Products

Bakelite Sheets (Paper Phenolic)

This is the first invented material as a insulation. It is made out of phenolic resin & paper reinforcement. This is also called as paper phenolic sheets. We manufacture all the grades like P1, P2, P3 and OLTC.

Bakelite Sheets (Paper Phenolic) Products

Bakelite Sheets (Fibre Phenolic)

This is used for higher mechanical & less electrical applications compared to paper phenolic sheet. We manufacture F1, F2 & F3 grades.

Bakelite Sheets (Fibre Phenolic) Products


On-load tap changer (OLTC), also known as On-circuit tap changer (OCTC), is a tap changer in applications where a supply interruption during a tap change is unacceptable, the transformer is often fitted with a more expensive and complex on load tap changing mechanism.

OLTC Products